As a team dedicated to providing you with a personalised service, building furniture for you to suit your own individual space and needs, we can create the perfect bespoke home office furniture just for you. Why should you confine your dreams of custom-built furniture designs to the kitchen when every room of the house should be just as functional? Whether you work from home, or just need a place to organise all of your personal documents, memorabilia, hobbies and interests, we can provide the ideal surroundings, allowing you to keep everything in its proper place and provide the creative inspiration, and stimulation you need, should the occasion or need for it arise.
From the items, you need to put in your home office furniture, to the desk itself and even the hardware and machinery you use in your office, we can provide custom-built furniture for it all.
To ensure Inteka provide you with a bespoke home office you will love, when you book with us, we listen carefully to your particular needs as a family, or as a home run business, and well as your preferences in terms of style and décor. For example, should you like clean lines and a contemporary style, or a more ornate styled look with shaker cabinets and desks, we can provide. Equally if you want plenty of room to easily access any books, or files, we can cater to the exact needs of all of your office belongings. Our design process always takes into account the space you have available as well as the contours and shape of the room. This may also mean, that with our expertise and vast experience in creating bespoke furniture, we can suggest ideas that you may not yet have considered to really create a unique and beautiful space just for you.
Your office furniture should be comfortable, as well as functional. By creating a floor plan as well as a three-dimensional plan of your room, we ensure that you will have bespoke office furniture that works for you. We are proud of our unique designs and team of experts, and we want you to feel the same level of pride in our work in your own environment, no matter which part of the house it is. We believe in the old adage, that home is where the heart is, therefore we think you should equally love every room, whether it’s used for creativity or relaxation, or just to house your personal belongings.
A bespoke office desk can be provided by taking into account your own needs. Do you need a corner desk, or even an L shaped desk that allow you to surround yourselves with everything you need to keep all of your items easily at hand? Do you require more than just one work space? Do you want a standing desk to promote your posture and reduce sitting time? Whatever your needs, we can work with them to create the perfect work surface for your home.
So, for your bespoke home office design contact Inteka, the makers of Luxury Bespoke Furniture.
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